~rmp has been my .sig since the mid 80's and my first introduction to UN*X.
This blog is focused on various software development topics of personal interest — primarily engineering level issues (read code-monkey)

Friday, February 23, 2007

My personal daily WTF

I know that the XML APIs in Java are a bit Kafka'esque and perhaps even a bit buggy, but still...
* As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself
* transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. He was lying on his hard,
* as it were armour plated, back, and if he lifted his head a little he
* could see his big, brown belly divided into stiff, arched segments, on
* top of which the bed quilt could hardly keep in position and was about
* to slide off completely. His numerous legs, which were pitifully thin
* compared to the rest of his bulk, waved helplessly before his eyes.
* "What has happened to me?", he thought. It was no dream....
protected static String DEFAULT_TRANSLET_NAME = "GregorSamsa";
From TransformerFactoryImpl in the 1.5 JDK. Probably originally from Xalan/J so don't flame Sun.

And, I'm far from the first to notice this. How'd you like to be this guy
